Guidelines That You Need to Follow for Root Canal Treatment
Outer enamel layer in a tooth encloses a hard layer called dentin and the innermost soft tissue…
Saving Natural Teeth
Nothing looks, feels or functions like your natural tooth. Regular brushing and flossing, along with six-month check-ups…
Thank Your Endodontist for Their Service Today!
The dedicated men and women who treat tooth pain are a part of an elite group of…
Use of Microscopes and Other Magnification Techniques – AAE Position Statement
Access additional resources at proficiency standard (4.9.j) to the CODA educational standards for endodontic programs in…
Dakota Zoo performs root canal on otter
BISMARCK, N.D. – Nobody likes root canals. The American Association of Endodontists says 15 million root canals happen…
Surgically Clean Air
Air quality is extremely important in an endodontist’s office. After all, any time you visit us, be…