root canal is a procedure endodontists use to repair an infected or decayed tooth. Teeth contain nerves and blood vessels that compose the pulp. The tooth’s nerve is in the root, and canals travel from tip to the root and into the pulp chamber. Once a patient’s tooth emerges from the gums, the tooth’s nerve is not vital to the tooth’s function. Its primary function is to provide a cold or hot sensation. During a root canal procedure, the dentist removes the pulp and cleans the inside of the root canals.

Oral health benefits of a root canal

When patients require a root canal, their oral health may be in trouble. Following the procedure, patients may have a healthier smile. Not only does the procedure eliminate bacteria, but it also preserves a person’s dental health.

Saves the natural tooth

While dentists typically place a crown or filling on the tooth following the procedure, patients keep their natural teeth. When individuals lose their teeth, it can impact their bite and ability to chew food and cause the jawbone to deteriorate. The tooth’s roots stimulate the jaw bone, but without the tooth, bone loss may occur. With bone loss comes facial sagging and premature aging. For patients who receive a root canal, the saved tooth preserves their bone structure and natural smile.

Prevents further spread of infection

Patients often require a root canal to treat a dental abscess. A tooth abscess is a bacterial infection that causes a pocket of pus to form at the tip or the side of the root. An infection in the tooth does not go away without treatment.

The infection may spread to the jaw, head, and neck. When an infection remains unchecked for an extended period, sepsis can develop. The pain may cause patients to lose sleep or have a lower quality of life. Other symptoms of an infection include fatigue and difficulty chewing and speaking. A patient may present with fever, stomach pain, increased heart rate, and swelling in severe infections. A root canal prevents further infection in the affected tooth.

Eliminates hot and cold sensitivity

Teeth may become sensitive to hot and cold due to decay. In a root canal, the dentist removes the nerves responsible for hot and cold sensitivity. Following a root canal, patients often notice they no longer experience a reaction to temperature with the respective tooth.

In addition to hot and cold sensitivity, the root canal eliminates pain when it comes to pressure. When a patient has trauma to the tooth or active infection, biting down may cause severe pain.


Without a root canal, bacteria can multiply in the chamber of a tooth. The infection or abscess that results can lead to severe consequences to a patient’s dental health. Root canal therapy removes the condition and saves the patient’s tooth from further damage. Following the procedure, a patient’s natural tooth continues to function as it did before the injury.

Request an appointment by contacting our office in the Greater Toronto Area or calling 416-781-5251.


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Author: Assembly Dental