Aerosols and Coronavirus in Dentistry
As a part of its ongoing featured expert series, the AAE recently interviewed Dr. Purnima Kumar about aerosols in dentistry during COVID-19. Dr. Pumar is a professor of periodontology at The Ohio State University. She received her dental degree from Annamalai University in India, and…
This is when Dentists will Re-open in Ontario and what to expect
When will dentists reopen in Ontario is a question many are wondering as the lockdown continues in the province. Dental offices are already opening up in Canada’s western provinces, but in Ontario, they’ll remain closed for the foreseeable future, so better keep flossing. The Provincial…
Coronavirus ‘does not spread easily’ by touching surfaces or objects, CDC says. But it still ‘may be possible.’
Coronavirus: CDC issues information on virus lifespan CDC says coronavirus ‘does not spread easily’ by touching surfaces or objects. But it still ‘may be possible. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has always warned that “it may be possible” to become infected with coronavirus…
We Remain Open For Emergencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic to Prevent Situations Like This
At York Hill Endodontics, we remain open for emergency service during the COVID-19 Pandemic to prevent painful, and even dangerous dental situations like this one below from occurring: ‘It’s been hell’: COVID-19 restrictions leave woman with broken tooth in pain On the very day Nova…
AAE Statement on COVID-19
MARCH 20, 2020 — With COVID-19 officially declared a national emergency, the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) is continuing to monitor the situation very closely and take necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of our patients, families, endodontists, dental staff and teams. In…
Guidelines That You Need to Follow for Root Canal Treatment
Outer enamel layer in a tooth encloses a hard layer called dentin and the innermost soft tissue pulp. This pulp connective tissue contains blood vessels and nerves. The pulp chamber and root canals house the pulp tissue in a tooth. In root canal treatment, infected…
Saving Natural Teeth
Nothing looks, feels or functions like your natural tooth. Regular brushing and flossing, along with six-month check-ups from your dentist, can help you keep your teeth for a lifetime. Sometimes your teeth may have infection or disease and will need additional care. When possible, you…
Thank Your Endodontist for Their Service Today!
The dedicated men and women who treat tooth pain are a part of an elite group of root canal specialists known as endodontists. Help increase awareness about who endodontists are and where the general public can find one by “liking”, “sharing” and promoting this fun…
Use of Microscopes and Other Magnification Techniques – AAE Position Statement
Access additional resources at proficiency standard (4.9.j) to the CODA educational standards for endodontic programs in 1998. Standard 4.9.j was revised by CODA in 2005 by ubstituting “use of magnification techniques” for the previously phrased “use of microscopes,” and adding an intent statement that…
Dakota Zoo performs root canal on otter
BISMARCK, N.D. – Nobody likes root canals. The American Association of Endodontists says 15 million root canals happen every year. On humans, that is. But on Otters? The Dakota Zoo performed a root canal on Gary the otter on Wednesday. Gary came to the zoo this…