The holidays are a great time to reflect upon the past year. Dr. Ralph Dana recently shared his thoughts on 2021 and his aspirations for York Hill Endodontics for the new year.

What is one accomplishment that you are proud of in 2021?

Joining the team at York Hill Endodontics, of course! 

Even after nearly five years of full-time practice as an endodontist, it’s never quite easy moving offices, joining a new team, and switching practice settings. But I’m very proud of how everything worked out this past year. I’ve really enjoyed my time with the York Hill Endodontics team, and the transition has felt both seamless and natural.

What is one thing that you learned in 2021?

The last two years have taught me the importance of adapting to change. Throughout this pandemic, dentists have shown their resilience and their ability to quickly adjust their practices to ensure patient safety and compliance with Covid-19 regulations. Dental practices have had to make changes to the care they provide, the way they communicate and how they interact with their patients.

I think it is remarkable that our profession was able to have a relatively “normal” 2021, despite the backdrop of a global pandemic. We dentists should be very proud of this accomplishment.

What can patients expect from York Hill Endodontics in 2022?

Though we have some technology upgrades planned to increase efficiency, there aren’t many changes scheduled in 2022. Patients can expect exactly what they’ve received for the last 50+ years from York Hill Endodontics: specialized root canal therapy and microsurgery — using the latest in endodontic techniques and technology — in a modern, comfortable environment.

Happy Holidays!

We are so grateful for all the support from our patients and referring dentists. Thank you for your continued confidence and trust in our team. We appreciate you more than you know! We’re wishing all our patients and referring dentists a relaxing, enjoyable holiday season and a happy and prosperous New Year!

Do you need to see an endodontist over the holidays? York Hill Endodontics is open and ready to help during this holiday season! Get in touch with us today to learn more. Please note that we will be closed on Monday, December 27, 2021.