When weighing the options between an endodontist and a general dentist, it can be useful to find out more about what each type of dental care professional does. Outlined below are a few reasons to visit an endodontist.

1. Pain

Almost everyone experiences a toothache from time to time. In some instances, a general dentist can evaluate the pain and place a dental restoration to quickly fix it. However, if the pain extends past a dental restoration then a visit to an endodontist may be necessary. Deeper pain may indicate a serious infection in the roots, which could indicate a need for a root canal or a more advanced procedure.

In the interim, it can be helpful to take an over-the-counter pain reliever to remedy the discomfort until an endodontist can determine the source of the pain and treat it appropriately.

2. History of injury

Endodontists are also great dental professionals to visit when there is a history of injury or a problem with a certain tooth. Individuals that have undergone multiple dental restorations may benefit from visiting an endodontist as it may require more extensive therapy, such as a root canal or oral surgery.

History of injuries or problems includes multiple dental fillings, dental crown placement or damage, one or multiple root canals, cracked or broken teeth or multiple cavities.

3. Root canal

Another reason to visit an endodontist is to have a root canal done. An endodontist focuses on performing root canals, as opposed to a general dentist who performs a number of procedures. The technique they used to perform root canals is advanced, more precise and oftentimes more accommodating for the patient, which means pain is kept at a minimum and the process is much more streamlined.

4. Tooth saving

If a tooth is on its absolute last leg then a visit to an endodontist may be in order. Endodontists have a lot of experience in saving teeth so that oral health can be restored. Teeth that have been cracked, chipped or severely broken can undergo treatment so that they remain strong and intact.

5. Expertise

Endodontists undergo training that makes them more qualified to perform procedures that focus on deep pain within a tooth. While general dentists are qualified to perform root canals and other deep tooth procedures, an endodontist furthers their education by two years. Additionally, they are typically more experienced, which gives them the advantage to help individuals who need their deep dental pain addressed.

Consult with an endodontist today

To find out more about what an endodontist does, reach out to our office today. Questions and concerns can be addressed, and an evaluation can be done in order to determine what type of treatment is necessary.

Request an appointment at York Hill Endodontics by clicking here or calling 416-781-5251.


Article originally appeared at: https://santarosaendodontics.com/

Author: Santa Rosa Endodontics