How to Care for a Root Canal Treated Tooth
You have just undergone a root canal, and now you need to care for your treated tooth. You must take special care immediately following the procedure. You will have a temporary filling that needs to stay in place until the permanent crown is placed. Until then,…
5 Great Qualities Your Endodontist Should Have
When you are trying to invest in something important – a car, say – it’s not enough to think about any type of motorized vehicle with four wheels that will get you from Point A to Point B. To get the best value for your…
How an Endodontist Can Save Your Teeth
If you have one or more decayed teeth, an endodontist can help save your teeth. In previous times, decayed teeth simply had to be pulled. Patients would then need to live without the tooth. However, advances in endodontic medicine mean that your tooth may not need…
Do’s And Don’ts Post Root Canal Treatment
By following the below guidelines, you can ensure a positive result from your root canal therapy and enjoy a healthy smile Do’s Brush and clean your teeth twice a day. Brush your treated tooth carefully and apply soft strokes rather than rigorous brushing on the…
Common Types of Tooth Injuries That Occur in Sports
For professional and recreational athletes alike, it can be easy to sustain a sports-related tooth injury on the field. When you’re playing a sport that exposes your head to a lot of blunt force, it’s likely that a tooth injury will occur if you’re not…
Do You Need a Dentist or a Specialist for a Root Canal Treatment Process?
Some patients feel fear or anxiety when they hear their dentist mention the words “root canal.” However, if you suffer from certain kinds of dental pain, the root canal treatment process may be your best solution. People have misconceptions about root canals. For example, many believe…
Thank You for Your Ongoing Support!
We are proud to announce that York Hill Endodontics has been selected as the Top Choice Endodontic clinic in the 2022 Top Choice Award Survey. This accomplishment would not be possible without the dedication of our staff and the support from our patients. Patient reviews determine the results…
7 Common Signs You Need a Root Canal
Knowing if you need a root canal is like trying to figure out if you need a filling. It can be difficult during those early stages of a problem to know if better oral hygiene efforts can solve the issue or if dental work is…
Endodontic Microsurgery Can Save Teeth when Root Canal Treatment Cannot
Though conventional, nonsurgical root canal therapy will always be the preferred route for any endodontic problem, there are instances in which this method of treatment cannot save the tooth. For those instances, endodontists will resort to microsurgery. Endodontic microsurgery—more formally referred to as apicoectomy—is in…
10 Reasons Why You Should Not Fear a Root Canal
If you’ve been dreading an upcoming root canal therapy appointment, we would like to reassure you that the procedure is simple and virtually free of pain. Here are 10 reasons why you should not fear root canals. #1 Root Canals Relieve Pain, Not Cause It…